5 Futuristic Trends In Television Technology

Television has become an inseparable part of our modern lives. Today, we all have been witness to a rapid evolution and acceptance of high-end technologies in the entertainment arena. A range of televisions are bumped into the market frequently and we have experienced the technology that brings life onto the screen. Every year the television industry sets new benchmarks in terms of technology that, a decade ago, was almost unheard of. This is all done to make the things that we watch not only more realistic, vivid, portable and cost-efficient, but also more enveloping & engaging. According to CES , 2016 is going to be a milestone year in television history. Here are the trends that we are going to see in near future:

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More Options In OLED: OLED televisions have won the hearts of users in the past year. Demand of the product is soaring but the supply is not able to cope up with demand because LG is the only company which manufactures OLED television in the market till date. But the scenario is about to change now, major TV manufactures are going to offer more alternative of OLED televisions.

Panasonic’s new honeycomb technology is said to be an alternative of OLED TV, with a completely unique LCD panel, which divides the picture into hundreds of separately controlled lighting Zone, which stay isolated from each other to ensure that there is no light leakage between them. This results in a better television screen with an excellent contrast.

Another offering is backlight masterdrive technology, which will be based on presently available LCD technology, while shunning all the drawbacks of the technology.

OLED televisions are very expensive but with other major players coming up with alternatives in market, prices will surely come down

Flexible Screen: Apart from the Display, the screen of future televisions has also been revolutionized which will leave you in surprise. Yes, LG is going to give a futuristic look to it’s Television, a portable ultra-thin foldable screen which can be rolled up like a paper. The release date of this miracle screen has not been announced yet but It’s going to be one of the hit products of the decade for sure.


Transparent display: Samsung and Panasonic are also major players in the market and to show their market presence they are coming up with their high resolution transparent screen televisions, which would look like a crystal clear glass until its switched off.

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Modular TV: The televisions with ultra-high resolution and a thin curved body are very common these days. But a 170 inch screen made of numbers of 21 Inch screens, which can rearrange itself from a 16-by-9 ratio to a 21-by-9 aspect ratio, just with the flick of a button, is something new.


Samsung says, this advanced “modular technology” will help in building large television and is going to give a lot of benefits the manufacturers:

– There would be no need to build different size of TV sets.

– Manufacturing process will be simplified.

– Logistic expenses will decrease, as its easy and cost effective to move a small screen from one place to another.

As a result this will reduce the cost of the final product and indirectly the end user is going to get the benefit of it.

Smarter TV: The SmartThing Platfarm, a newly added feature in Samsung’s television. This technology will allow the user to connect all their smart devices to a central system and The homeowners will be able to monitor each & every aspect of their house using this system.

Note: This post was originally published in May 2016 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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