8 Best & New Android Apps for Your Smartphone

Google play store has around 3.5 million apps till December 2017. There are multiple apps with the same functionality in the google play store. If we search for photo editor in google play store, we find multiple apps but we are unable to find which one is best. So we try all of them one by one. Instead of trying all the apps, we have found some best & new android apps for you that should be in your devices in this 2018.

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7 Things to do Before Selling iPhone: Wipe Your iPhone

Bored with your old phone? Now planning to sell your iPhone and buy a new hot smartphone. 2018 is packed up with a lot of amazing and sexy mobile phones, you have a good option for your new phone.

The great thing about iPhone is, old models also have a nice value so you can get a good amount for your old phone. In this excitement, don’t forget to wipe all the data from iPhone and take a backup of your phone on the cloud.

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How Your Phone Can be Hacked: Prevent Phone Hacking

Cell phone hacking can be done easily without your knowledge. Everything is hackable from your phone including contacts, emails, messages, each and every sensible information. Leaking of photos from iCloud is the perfect example of hacking. No-one knows that how many cell phone hacking has been done. Data says that U.S has the lowest malware infection rate in the world.

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Choose the best smartphone for work: smartphone guide

Nowadays we don’t rely on smartphone only for personal use, people buy the best smartphone so they can use them for professional or business purpose too. These handy smartphones have become our life easier to access everything on phone i.e. email, websites and many more. You’ve got many choices when it comes choosing the best smartphone for work but choosing the right smartphone which fulfills your every need can be overwhelming. Apple, Samsung and now oneplus, these are 3 brands which can be the best smartphone for work to fulfill your personal and professional need.

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Where to Sell Your Old Phone – Offline or Online ?

sell old phoneDo you keep aside your old phone when you upgrade to a new device? Do you know that you can get the cash from your old smartphone which can help you to get your new phone in your budget?The price of the old smartphone depends on the various factors like demand, device type, device’s age and condition. You can sell your old phone either offline or online. Continue reading “Where to Sell Your Old Phone – Offline or Online ?”

How to Secure Your Phone from Cyber Theft – 7 Tips to Follow

Smartphones have become our life easier, we carry our smartphone everywhere, we can leave our wallet at home but we can not leave our smartphone at home because a smartphone can replace wallet but vice versa is not true.

We use our smartphone for online shopping, paying bills, online transactions, surf the internet, email but most of the people are unaware of the cell phone cyber theft. Continue reading “How to Secure Your Phone from Cyber Theft – 7 Tips to Follow”

Samsung Galaxy S9/S9+ features, specifications & release date

Yes… The wait is over..!!
Samsung Galaxy S9/S9 plus is going to launch on 25th February 2018 at MWC. Samsung Galaxy S8 & S8 plus are the best smartphones launched in 2017 but nothing can be perfect. They do have some faults likes weirdly-positioned fingerprint scanner, easily fooled facial recognition and lack of dual camera. These all will get fixed in the Samsung Galaxy S9/S9 plus.

galaxy-s9-main Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S9/S9+ features, specifications & release date”

Nokia 9: Features, Full Specifications, Release date, Price

Nokia 9 is an upcoming competitive smartphone in 2018. Nokia has launched several smartphones in 2018 including Nokia 8. Nokia 9 is indeed an advance phone in all modern aspects. Nokia 9 smartphone comes up with the impressive features which makes it suitable for your next smartphone. If you are looking for beauty and beast at the same time, then this is the perfect smartphone for you.

Nokia_9 Continue reading “Nokia 9: Features, Full Specifications, Release date, Price”

Why One Should Not Stock Phones For Ages: Upgrade Your Phone

How often do you buy a new laptop? A new house? Maybe in decades? Right?
Now the question arises: how often do you buy a smartphone?

New mobile phones are coming out every day in this tech industry. 2017 was full of amazing mobile phones i.e. Samsung Galaxy Note 8,iPhone X, Google Pixel 2. 2018 is also packed up with the future mobile phones i.e. Nokia 9, OnePlus 6, Xiaomi Mi7, Apple iPhone 9.

Most people don’t feel embarrassed to drive Maruti 800, people think that you are kind of caveman. On the same note, people don’t feel embarrassed to keep iPhone 5s in the era of iPhone 7. Continue reading “Why One Should Not Stock Phones For Ages: Upgrade Your Phone”

Mobile Phone Industry: Depreciation in Your Smartphone

Mobile phone industry is the fastest growing industry worldwide in this large communication industry. The number of smartphone users has reached to 2.1billion by 2016 and it is expected to reach by 5 billion by 2020. China, one of the most populous countries in the world leads the cell phone industry. United States also takes lead in the mobile phone industry.

Mobile Phone Industry Facts & Stats

1.5 billion smartphones have been sold by 2016 either Android or iOS operating system. The Android operating system takes the lead by 80%. On the other side, iOS operating system holds 15% of the market. Continue reading “Mobile Phone Industry: Depreciation in Your Smartphone”