Reduce waste by finding another home for your old smartphone

We’ve all been liable of it. We seize the chance to purchase that glossy new smartphone and hurl the old smartphone one aside, regardless of whether that be in a garbage cabinet, in a crate in the wardrobe, or in the trash cans. While clutching that old device presumably won’t hurt any person or thing for the present, it’s surely not helping anybody either but it does not means to throw it in landfills.

You may have known discussions about the earth most of which allude to a conclusion of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Selling your old gadgets to InstaCash can contribute towards diminishing e-waste in landfills and also help used smartphones being reusable. When a gadget can’t be sold or reused, there is consistently the third alternative to recycle it. Continue reading “Reduce waste by finding another home for your old smartphone”

E-Waste — the Toxic Legacy of our Digital Age

Countries, developed and developing alike, are faced with the flip side of development. Societies have adapted to technologies in big ways however the requisite awareness and legal framework needs to be spruced up in consonance with the fast pace fallout of technological residues that we are leaving behind. Some years back, the waste wasn’t much and was thought to have been easily assimilated in the environment. Today it poses a great challenge. The rapid penetration of the electronics and electrical gadgets in the huge markets of developing world and the steep pace of technological innovations making yesterday’s latest devices obsolete in the developed world. This has led to the problem of disposing off the e-waste responsibly in sync with the environment we live and for the future we look at.

“Update: ZeroWaste is now InstaCash

The innocuous looking gadgets that we use in our daily life contain elements and compounds which are very harmful to our well being. A broad categorization of these substances inimical to our health can be done as Halogenated Compounds, Heavy & other Metals and Radio Active substances.

Halogenated compounds like CFC (Choloroflourocarbon) PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyls) are present in Cooling units, insulation foams, cable insulations, fire retardants for plastics, condensers, transformers. Heavy metals like Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Lithium, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc Sulphide, and Selenium etc are found in CRTs, LEDs, rechargeable batteries, toners, power supply boxes etc. Radio Active substance like Americum is an integral part of medical equipments and fire detectors.

Today we find ourselves awfully placed. As we are making our lives easier and comfortable with the modern electrical and electronic gadgets yet on the other hand we are leaving a toxic legacy. If we do not wake up now, the future will not forgive us for our past. Join ZeroWaste movement in making a healthy and beautiful future.

Note: This post was originally published in February 2015 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

3 things that make us E-waste culprits

Inadvertently and with no firm understanding on the e-waste most of us tend to be unmindful of the evils of e-waste. E-waste as a problem is growing every day and if not checked today it would face us starkly with its harmful ill effects to our health and environment. 15 million metric tonnes of e-waste is generated every year in a developing country like India. Sensing the burgeoning numbers that would be added in the future all countries including India have put various legislations to contain if not mitigate the damaging effects E-waste would cause. Containing poisonous substances e-waste disposal warrant careful handling. Since we all use electronics and electrical appliances we need to be also responsible in their handling when they aren’t useful to us anymore.

“Update: ZeroWaste is now InstaCash

We all are accountable and have to be responsible towards our future. Pretty laid back in our approach we run the risk of becoming E-waste culprits ourselves ruining our today and tomorrow. There are 3 ways that make us E-waste Culprits:

  1. 1. Being an E-Waste Sleeper
  2. 2. Discarding / dumping e-waste at wrong places
  3. 3. Selling e–waste to kabadiwala

We have to understand that these equipment have a life and if these are not making any utility sense then it would be our duty not to let the e-waste accumulate at our places. In their productive life these are friends but at the end they are nasty foes so care has to be shown in their disposal. In no circumstances these should be thrown as garbage in and around our areas of inhabitation or elsewhere. It is also very wrong to sell these articles to the usual kabadiwalas or scrap dealers. They lack the understanding and scientific methods to handle toxic elements inherent to these wastes.

Fortunately we have ZeroWaste a company which is all geared and constituted for the great mission to clear up all the E-wastes which lie in our closets and cabinets. It also offers money for the gadgets you give to it. The amount received would be as per the best salvage value and moreover relieves us from the piles of waste littering our closet, tables and racks responsibly.

Note: This post was originally published in January 2015 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.