Keep your front load washing machine healthy & stench free

When it comes to choosing the best washing machine in today’s scenario, most of us would prefer to go for a fully automatic front load washing machine because as per the word of mouth, front load washing machines have the best washing mechanism. But these modern domestic helping hands are still not perfect. They also lack at some points.

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Top 5 fully automatic washing machines: 2016

If I ask, is washing cloths a very tedious and tiring task for you to do? I am sure; your answer would be a big NO.

The invention of washing machine has thrown the ball in our court and the continuous technology improvements have turned this most tedious task of the day, into a cake-walk for all the women and the men in the house. Thus laundry has become most viable practice to execute.

Continue reading “Top 5 fully automatic washing machines: 2016”

How to know the Size or Volume of a Washing Machine?

To know the Weight of the Washing Machine, use below steps:

“Update: ZeroWaste is now InstaCash

  1. Weight is mentioned on the Sticker on Front Side or near Control Knobs on Top.


  1. In case there Sticker is not there or faded then look at Serial Number Label on the Back Side of the Washing Machine.

Serial Number Label on Back Side



Note: This post was originally published in August 2015 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.